Adopt a Precinct Program For Paul Wikstrom 40B Special Election

On March 11th the residents of Roseville and Shoreview will have a chance to change the Minnesota House of Representatives and give the Republicans control over the house.  The turnout will be low.  It is critical that we get Republicans out to vote.  We need to get the message out to our voters.

The Democrats are already bombing the district with print post cards.  The good new is that 95% get tossed as junk mail.  Think about it.  What do you do when you pick up the mail.  I sort it as I walk to the house and I toss all the junk.  But what do you do with a letter that is hand addressed to you.  YOU OPEN IT!

Here is where Adopt a Precinct is a Game Changer!

With your help, we will send thousands of hand addressed letters to conservative voters in the district.  We will inform them of the election and tell them where and when to vote.  Oh yes, tell them to vote for Paul Wikstrom.

When you sign up you will be responsible to address 200 – 300 envelopes, fold the letter, place the letter in a stamped envelope, and drop them in the mail.  We will ask you to do this 3 times over the next 4 weeks.  When you sign up, you will receive your first box within one week.

You can also sign up to help with phone calling and/or door knocking.

To Register, complete the form below.


2025 Special Election Adopt a Precinct

Use this form to indicate that your group is interested in helping send letters for the MN House 40B Special Election.

Contact Name(Required)
How Would You Like to Help?
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Prepared and paid for by Friends For Paul Wikstrom 200 Bridge St., Shoreview MN 55126